11-12-2024, 05:42 AM
(11-12-2024, 01:57 AM)Sandy 提到:Hi Sandy, I already unplug the power cord, restart and using wired networking. When the machine restart, the power LED has turned orange, the first message is "Recovery & Update / Please wait" for a few seconds. Then there is a short message "Recovery & Update / Performing, please do not disconnect power supply" for half a second. Then the final message "Recovery & Update / Firmware verification failed, please try again". Then the device just hanged there. Only response with a beep sound when turning the soft power button. No response for scrolling the screen or any other action. I tried unplug the power cord, restart and using wired networking for at least 20 times. Same situation. Is there a hidden restart / restore button somewhere. Quite disappointed. My 1 year warranty will expire in 10 days. If I need to take the machine to repair, would you please advise the address of repair center in Hong Kong. Many thanks(11-09-2024, 06:49 AM)Kelvin_3222 提到: I just tried update my Element S firmware. After download the firmware and some operations (i didn't follow the screen, sorry), the device switched off itself and didnt come up for at least 5 mins. Then I press the soft power buttom in front. After a while, the power buttom light turned orange and the device screen show: "Recovery & Update / Firmware verification failed, please try again". And the device is hanged there. It appear offiline to my iphone and andriod pad apps. No response from the touch screen except beep sound after hitting the power button. Same happen after I pull the power cable and press the power button again. What can I do.Hi Kelvin,
Unplug the power cord, restart, then replace the device with wired networking, connect it with a network cable, and upgrade the firmware directly on the device.