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How to reset/rescan library & add multiple SMB shares?
(05-25-2020, 10:03 AM)Tao 提到: Hi Gregory,

1. If you add the NAS correctly, you will see the relevant content in the NAS of Files, and you can perform the disable and rescan operations through the menu key.
When you finish adding NAS, can you see the folders shown in the picture above? If not, can you provide your smart phone model and app version number?
2. Can you provide some screenshots for the problem that will help our reference to analyze the problem.

Thank you!

Thank you for your reply.  I'll explain the problems I ran into today and along the way will answer your questions and (hopefully) provide enough information for you to troubleshoot the issues I'm having.  Also, I'll attach the last 5 attachments in a follow-on post.

Today I started off by trying to push music from Roon to my Element X.  Roon couldn't see the Element X.  I next opened up the MA Remote app (version 1.2.3 using a 2018 iPad Pro 11" w/ iOS 13.5).  My Element X appeared in the app but I couldn't see any of the NAS locations I'd previously entered under Library - Files (see attachment 1).  I removed the Element X from the device list (see attachment 2) and tried to re-add it to the MA Remote app using the IP address that the Element X was reporting on its front panel (see attachment 3) but the app was unable to connect to the Element X (see attachment 4).  I unplugged the Element X, plugged it back in, let it reconnect to my network, and I was now able to add it back to the MA Remote app.  However, now all of my NAS locations show up as "disabled" (see attachment 5) and my library was still empty.  I had to re-enable each of my four library locations which caused the app to rescan all of my music files from scratch.  After finishing the rescan, my NAS locations and the Album list in Library appear as expected (attachments 6 and 7), but the Artists list in Library is empty (attachment 8).

At this point, I can play music fine from the Album page of the MA Remote app.  However, if I exit and re-launch the MA Remote app, there's a new problem.  When I relaunch the app, the Libraries still appear correctly (and the Artists tab is now filled in), but the NAS locations are gone (attachment 9).  Since the NAS locations are gone, I can't rescan them if I add new music.  Strangely enough, if I remove the Element X from the app and re-add it back (attachment 2), all of the NAS locations return (attachment 10).

The biggest problem right now is that I have to unplug/replug my Element X in order to get Roon/MA Remote to see it if it sits idle for more than a day or so.  The Element X itself never appears to disconnect from my network (it still reports having an IP address), but before I unplug it, neither Roon nor the MA Remote app can see it and when I scan my network for connected devices (using a macOS app) the Element X doesn't appear.  I shouldn't have to unplug/replug my unit every time I want to use it.  Plus, once the Element X drops off the network, after I get it reconnected, I have to remove and re-add it to MA Remote and completely re-scan the music on my NAS drives to use MA Player.

Also, I don't understand the issues that I'm having with the MA Remote app losing track of the attached NAS folders once the app is closed.  I shouldn't have to remove and re-add the Element X to MA Remote to be able to rescan my entire library every time I want to scan my NAS drives for new music.

I hope this information helps you get to the bottom of these issues.  Thanks for your help!


附件 图片

RE: How to reset/rescan library & add multiple SMB shares? - by Gregory - 05-28-2020, 12:59 AM

