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Collecting bugs of 2nd gen element series products
Simple, I just installed the PLEX media server on my HTPC computer and shared a folder, enabled DLNA and somehow the MA Remote magically found my files. It was that easy. Sharing Windows folders on a local network did not work, the Element M2 did find my shared folder but nothing inside it (the same files/folder as in the PLEX server). I hope this helps. I have unistalled the PLEX server from my HTPC as the problem clearly was not with my NAS (which also uses a PLEX server) and I don't want to use up any more electricity than is necessary.

Best regards,
Hi Dub,
From your screen record I realized that your are using UPnP media server instead of local USB storages or SMB sharing folders.
There are so many different UPnP media server software in the market, the element devices are not compatible to all the UPnP softwars. MinimServer is a good software, which has solutions for Synology nas, QNAP nas, PC and MAC etc. We have tested with MinimServer and the element gen 2 devices work with MinimServer without problems. It's worthy to have a try.

Hi Mike,
Please see the tutorial below:
(06-05-2023, 11:44 AM)Dub 提到: I just installed the PLEX media server on my HTPC computer and shared a folder, enabled DLNA

Ah, OK. That's just DLNA, then. For a moment there I thought you had the Element working as a Plex client. That would be cool.
OK, so I got an iPad and the MA Remote seems to work BETTER (not well), I upgraded my network switch to a better one and all ethernet cables to be compatible with 10Gbps connections, everything is hardwired and I still get the choppy audio issue, HOW MUCH MORE MONEY DO I NEED TO SPEND just to get YOUR incompatible software to work? I mean c'mon, you can not seriously just tell me to piss off or buy a Synology NAS. You should atleast have a camel sized text on your website telling new customers that ONLY iPads and Synology devices are supported...

This is way beyond bad, BAD customer service, this is close to autism, it's YOUR JOB to serve the customers, not to tell them to buy new stuff just because your programmer team is either made out of a pack of monkeys or is just plain LAZY to make the software more compatible with different devices. Oh yeah, and by digging the in internet I found out that the MyCloud NAS uses Android OS... How's that for irony. Just because your products have a higher price tag, that doesn't give you the priviledge to dictate what hard/software YOUR CUSTOMERS should use.

I mean I have been buttraped by companies before but NEVER THIS BAD, I am the damn customer here and it not my responsibility to use and buy WHAT YOU SAY... Have you ever heard the saying "the customer is always right"? For crying out loud you have to be kidding me...

This was supposed to be "customer support" not "I act like a pampered smarta**" site, If I report a PROBLEM WITH YOUR PRODUCT, I do not expect to get told to buy new gear while you should FIX THE ISSUE, and be grateful that I bought you product in the first place!

I can't say "best regards" because you are acting like you're above me, which is NOT how "customer support" works.

Oh and by the way, here's a chart of the tablets sold in 2022, and as you can see Android rules by ~5 MILLION units sold, so you better get your act straight or be honest with your customers.
I forgot to say I can stream FLAC audio just fine from the MyCloud NAS and my HTPC so the choppy audio is DEFINITELY a compatibility issue.

I can't begin to tell you how angry and frustrated this makes me, and lo' and behold, I guess you want me to pay for MinimServer as well?

This is so screwed up I can't wrap my head around it, what planet are you living on and how do you think stuff like this will affect your business?

Please provide me with a working NAS, and while your at it compensate the costs I have spent buying gear because of YOUR INCOMPETENCE...

So you're not even going to answer me?

I quote the Matrix Audio Element M2 product page "Roon Ready, UPnP and AirPlay are also supported.", why do you advertise features that do not work?

I mean UPnP is such a common protocol even the cheapest streamers on the market support it. So stop the bullsh*t about needing a specific device and fix the issue...


Give me the e-mail address of your manager so I can have a proper discussion about your attitude towards customers and the quality of your software.

Here's a video of what happened when I tried to use Tidal connect with the Element M2... I don't know what's going on here but it sure as hell doesn't work as intended.
Latest software, Tidal downloaded a few minutes before use from the Apple app store (firmware v1.0.8, build008), iPad (7th gen. iPadOS 16.5).

I selected a song from tidal, hit play and THIS happened. Please explain.


I'm getting SERIOUS regrets of buying this thing...

Hi Dub,
I'm not suggesting you to buy a Synology NAS. That's just because the tutorial was based on Synology and MinimServer.
Will a DSD64 file play correctly for you?
For the issue of TIDAL Connect, do you mean when you play a song from TIDAL app, the element M2 only change volume rasomly, but do not play?
Hi Dub,
I have forwarded your feedbacks to the dev team.
Regarding playing from Plex UPnP server, the dev team is rsearching the compatibility issues.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
(05-31-2023, 03:28 AM)Wei Cao 提到:
(05-30-2023, 04:49 PM)Mike_2541 提到: The longer I use the I2, the more I realize that this occurs with any transient following a dead silence. You either get a faint click, tick, pop or the first fraction of a second gets clipped.
Hi Mike,

The dev team is trying to find the root of the issue, but I can't tell you a specific time of solving it now.

Has the dev team been able to reproduce this issue? Is a fix in progress? This problem still persists.

