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Matrix Mini i-4 Volume Issue
I have encountered 2 issues with my Mini i-4 unit.

The first issue is with the volume control. I am streaming Tidal connect with my Iphone and sometimes my Ipad tablet.  In both situations when I go to higher or lower the volume from my smart devices, the mini i-4 freezes up and you can see the volume numbers on the screen going up and down at random, causing static, crackling and and white noise.   Also, my smart device completely freezes, the only way to stop this is to shut down the mini i-4 and unplugging it.  I also need to wait at least 5 min until my phone unfreezes or else I cannot use it.  For now, the only way to avoid this is to set the volume at "fixed" but I intend to use it at variable.  I also noticed that if you lower and higher the volume on the mini-i4 unit the same thing happens but more often when doing it from a smart device.

Please tell me there is a fix for this.

The second issue is when rapidly changing tracks the album art on the mini i-4 screen sometimes does not change with the song being played and freezes ( there could be a song playing on my smart device but the mini i-4 displays the album art of another song ).  Again, the only way to "fix" this for now is to shut down the matrix and unplug it.

Anyone else have this issue? Is there a firmware update to fix this quickly?
Element i has the second problem. Freeze the album art and info changing tracks.
anything on this matter? Will there be a update to fix these issues?
Hi NomiMani
If you change volume on the device, will it work?
Hi Wei Cao, it will work but 90% of the time like mentioned above, I will see on the screen the numbers jump up and down at random and the music is heard at very low volume with crackling and static sounds coming through the speakers. For now, I set it to “fixed” to avoid this.
When the device is playing from TIDAL Connect, if you change volume from your iPhone, the volume will not be changed with every step. The volume change may take effect with a short delay, because this is a two-way communication process.
Can you record a video to show the device and app freezes and the distorted sound? It would be benifit for the troubleshooting.
(10-09-2023, 09:57 AM)Wei Cao 提到: When the device is playing from TIDAL Connect, if you change volume from your iPhone, the volume will not be changed with every step. The volume change may take effect with a short delay, because this is a two-way communication process.
Can you record a video to show the device and app freezes and the distorted sound? It would be benifit for the troubleshooting.

Hi yes I'm aware of the volume steps but that is not the issue, when lowering or raising the volume via my iphone or ipad I see the numbers on the matrix screen randomly going up and down. The music starts distorting and I hear static sounds just like when you tune stations on an old radio.  For some reason I cannot reproduce it today, it seems to be working at the moment. 

Do you have any feedback regarding the album art that freezes? It happened again after a 1-2 hour listening session... ( I am using Tidal connect ).  The only way to get rid of the problem is to unplug the device from the back for now....
When the album image is stuck, if you change a song manually, will the image become correct?
I can change songs on my iphone ( via Tidal connect ) but the image and song title on the unit does not change causing the unit to freeze ( cannot access the touch screen )

If I restart the unit, the screen displays nothing playing but the unit remains frozen. The only way to remedy this is to unplug it from the back. This is really annoying, it happens almost daily. I've heard of other users having this issue, are you working on a fix that can be done over a firmware update?

