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Element i2 not finding firmware server to update
I received an alert in the MA app to update to firmware v1.1.2 build16.

message returned after clicking return button - Firmware update Failed to download firmware, please try again.
trying to update on unit returned message - Cannot reach Matrix server.

How long until this error is resolved?
Hi Joseph,
It seemed that the cummunication from your ISP to Matrix Audio's server is not good enough. Can you enable a wifi hotspot from your phone, connect your element i2 to the phone hotspot and check for update?
(10-24-2023, 05:55 AM)Wei Cao 提到: Hi Joseph,
It seemed that the cummunication from your ISP to Matrix Audio's server is not good enough. Can you enable a wifi hotspot from your phone, connect your element i2 to the phone hotspot and check for update?
Thank you for the advice. I am now downloading through my mobile hotspot. Is there a Domain or IP address that I need to have my ISP unblock? I have owned the element i2 for almost a year and this is the first time I have been prevented from downloading an update
(10-24-2023, 01:37 PM)Joseph_2173 提到: Is there a Domain or IP address that I need to have my ISP unblock?

If possible, please have the ISP to not block urls from domail *.matrix-digi.com.
Thank you.

